I sat and pondered while I took a squat
The grimy shithole which I was atop
Dirty stains and toilet tears
I took off my pink topless dress
cause this hellhole, surely I’d be a mess
Filth and stink, dust and grime
Damn, I wish this place weren't mine
Grab me the bleach, the scrub brush too
Bathroom bubbles work, tell that tub “fuck you”
No fairy godmother to wave her magic wand
This place smells quite fishy, just like a coy pond
Is it a gay man or a lesbo lives here?
I really thought that homos were cleanly queer
A reality show I should totally make
Queer Eye Bathroom Overtake
Spit and shine, rub and dub
If you’re lucky, you’ll get blown in the tub
As long as it’s clean, use that elbow grease
Clean it up quite nice, dirty me down please
Belle found her mate, bell of the bathroom balls
Lucky, he’s short, not nearly quite that tall
My mop and broom stand much taller,
This midget is quaint, but his dick a little smaller
Lucky for me, cleanings my vice
No diamond ring for this bitch, much to much
My wedding dress an outfit of maid
Our registry will make me quite the ole maid
Spit polish my tux with scotch guard plus
Iron his socks and pleat with no fuss
Damn my luck, look at this befuddled betwixt
When all I was doing was taking a shit
I’m married and cleaning for this my man
All because I was sitting on the can.